


威尼斯人平台 understands that students may need to enroll less than full-time (12 credits) in a semester in order to meet their needs regarding graduation, 责任外, 以及整体教育的成功. Co-op and audited courses also do not count toward enrollment for the purposes of receiving financial aid.

Students enrolled less than full-time in a semester will be charged less than the full-time tuition rate. They must complete a scholarship proration request form to be reviewed for a prorated scholarship in lieu of their institutional scholarship(s) for the semester. 如果符合条件, a prorated scholarship would cover the same percentage of tuition that their original institutional scholarship(s) covered when enrolled full-time.


All tuition and 费用 are subject to revision by 威尼斯人平台’s Board of Trustees.

Scholarship proration requests are reviewed at the start of each semester and may take several weeks to process once submitted. Students will be emailed directly once their review is approved before receiving a prorated scholarship.

Additionally, students enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours have a lower 出勤费用, which means the total value of financial aid for which a student is eligible will decrease. 


Half-time enrollment is defined as six to eight hours of enrollment and three-quarter-time enrollment is defined as nine to 11 hours of enrollment. 在这种情况下, the Office of 金融援助 makes the following revisions to student accounts. 

  • The Illinois MAP Grant is reduced to $280 per undergraduate credit hour
  • The Federal Pell Grant is adjusted based on the number of credit hours a student is enrolled in. 注册学时少于12学时的学生, the award is calculated as a fraction of the full amount based on their enrollment. For example, enrolling in 9 credit hours would result in receiving 9/12ths of the full grant amount.
  • 联邦SEOG奖励减少到每学期500美元
  • The student remains eligible for Federal Parent PLUS and Stafford Loans
  • 学生可以借私人学生贷款


Less than half-time enrollment is defined as one to five credit hours of enrollment. 在这种情况下, the Office of 金融援助 will make the following revisions to a student's account. 

  • The Illinois MAP Grant is reduced to $280 per undergraduate credit hour
  • The Federal Pell Grant is adjusted based on the number of credit hours a student is enrolled in. 注册学时少于12学时的学生, the award is calculated as a fraction of the full amount based on their enrollment. For example, enrolling in 4 credit hours would result in receiving 4/12ths of the full grant amount.
  • 该学生没有资格获得联邦SEOG补助金
  • 该学生没有资格获得联邦家长PLUS和斯塔福德贷款
  • 学生可以向选定的贷款人借私人贷款
  • The grace period on student loans—both Illinois Institute of Technology loans and federal parent and student loans—begins

Undergraduate students who have already used a portion of their student loan grace period may see their loans enter repayment shortly after the start of the semester in which they are enrolled in fewer than six credit hours.


如果学生注册的学时少于12学时, the Office of 金融援助 will check to see if a student has an outside scholarship that requires continuous full-time enrollment. 如果奖学金组织要求全日制注册, the Office of 金融援助 is required to return the scholarship award for that given term to the organization. 如果发生这种情况, the student is encouraged to contact the organization directly to review and, 可能, 对机构的政策提出上诉.


Full-time enrollment for graduate students is defined as nine or more credit hours per semester. Graduate degree-seeking students are eligible for federal aid and the continued deferment of existing federal loans if they are registered in 4.5个或以上学时(半学时).

有 特殊的全职 (“被迫全职”)的状态将有他们的 出勤费用 经调整以反映实际学杂费成本. This adjustment will be made after the add/drop deadline and may result in decreased loan eligibility. Students who are “forced to full-time” are identified by their department and reported to the Office of the Registrar. The Office of 金融援助 uses the registrar's report to approve all students and adjust financial aid accounts accordingly. This status is not updated until after the add/drop date each semester.

International students who are enrolled with less than full-time status must apply for full-time equivalency with the 全球服务办公室 继续遵守SEVIS的要求. International students who meet the 全球服务办公室' criteria for full-time equivalency are reported as such by the 全球服务办公室 and do not have their actual student enrollment status adjusted on their academic record.

研究生注册人数不足4人.5学时 are eligible for private loans up to the cost of tuition, 费用, 并批准教育和生活费用. Graduate students who have already utilized a portion of their student loan grace period may see their loans enter repayment shortly after the start of the semester in which they are enrolled in fewer than 4.5学时.

Co-op courses do not count toward enrollment for the purposes of receiving financial aid. Graduate students enrolled in less than half-time status can file for forbearance to extend their deferment with their loan servicer. 贷款服务机构的信息可以在 联邦学生援助网站.

All tuition and 费用 are subject to revision by 威尼斯人平台’s Board of Trustees.